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Joined: 11/1/2007

390637 karma

Having said thus much by way of introduction, I commit the following to the candour of the Publick.

Helu! I'm Thomas.




(Don't apologize for contacting me! I'm happy to meet you.)

Daily follow list: 'jcranmer, 'pvg, 'DannyBee, 'JumpCrisscross, 'kasey_junk, 'tzs, 'dctoedt, 'idlewords, 'carbocation (many others who don't post often enough to call out like this).

All comments Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2023, 2031 Thomas H. Ptacek, All Rights Reserved.

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About the Creator


Hi, I’m nmn

I’m an indie developer and I’ve been programming since the age of 13.

After ~10 years of consulting, I reached my FIRE goal last year.

Since then, I’ve been playing with AI for fun.

This is my dedication to HN for all it taught me over the years.

I keep using AI in creative ways & I would love to earn your follow:

My X (Twitter) Profile