Roast my HackerNews

Is your HN history as good as you think it is?

Submit your HN username for a reality check

How it works

Step 1

The AI will fetch your HN profile, recent posts, and comments

Step 2

AI analyzes your description, karma, profile, and submissions

Step 3

AI will prepare your roast and display it on a webpage

Don't want to be roasted just yet?

See some roasts below


Bug fixer

View roast


I work for the Internet

View roast


Helu! I'm Thomas

View roast

About the Creator


Hi, I’m nmn

I’m an indie developer and I’ve been programming since the age of 13.

After ~10 years of consulting, I reached my FIRE goal last year.

Since then, I’ve been playing with AI for fun.

This is my dedication to HN for all it taught me over the years.

I keep using AI in creative ways & I would love to earn your follow:

My X (Twitter) Profile